June 2006
1.0. Introduction
Consistent with the mission of TGF, Baldev Medical & Community Centre (BMCC) shall undertake several new initiatives and expand on those currently employed to improve the lives of the population in the surrounding 17 villages of Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. These interventions cover: creation of livelihood opportunities and employment, education and skills-training, healthcare, housing, water management, infrastructure improvement, and social development.
2.0. Mission
In partnership with the community, government and the private sector, and in conjunction with Baldev Farms/ATC Project, TGF shall assist in the implementation of several developmental strategies to bring about significant improvement in the lives of the entire population served by our intervention within a period of 10 years starting 2006.
3.0. Goals and Indicators of Success
There are several milestones to be reached within the above period:
Adult employment, especially among women, above 90%.
Ownership of land under cultivation by at least 30% of the “lower caste” population.
Non-farm business ownership and/or employment by 20% of the population, especially among “lower castes” and women.
Significantly improve the quality of education at local government schools, with standards monitored by TGF.
Over 90% of all children between the ages 5-16 attend schools and complete at least middle grades. At least 50% must complete high school.
Job/skill training in non-farming areas for most unemployed youth and young adults (ages 16-25) who are not attending schools/colleges.
Meet acceptable standards in public health – sanitation, hygiene, portable water, vaccination, de-worming, nutrition, and other important health related concerns.
Timely medical interventions in high-risk cases of pregnancy, and ensure safe delivery and healthy development of young children.
Track economic and health related profiles of all families, and appropriately intervene as and when required.
Offer quality primary healthcare and promote health education, especially in the area of reproductive health.
Improve housing to meet minimum living standards (bedroom, kitchen and bathroom) for all.
Implement measures to collect rainwater and replenish ground water in all villages by building check-dams, deepening lakes, and digging large and small water collection pits.
Assist in the efficient use of water through drip irrigation by farms.
Encourage and assist in the use of compost and eco-friendly measures.
Work with government to improve roads, public transport, communication and electricity supply.
Provide technical assistance and help establish business ventures in products and services that directly benefit the community, e.g.: biogas, bio-fuel, bricks and tiles, etc.
Facilitate the establishment of private shops for the sale of grain and vegetables, household items, sewing, bicycle repair, etc.
Set up cooperative farming, and assist farmers in marketing their produce at best possible prices.
Work toward improving public governance by Panchayat and local governing bodies, police and local courts.
Offer opportunities for social gathering, creation and display of art and craft, and entertainment for the community.
The combined outcome of the above would be the creation of economic opportunity for all, availability of affordable basic services, care of the environment, and improvements in the assurance of social and gender equality. However, it must be recognized that the specified goals in education and healthcare cannot be adequately met until the income levels of the population increase sufficiently.
4.0. Organization & Methodology
In order for interventions to succeed, they must have the participation of the community, both in planning and implementation. TGF shall not undertake any community-based activity without the consent and cooperation of the beneficiaries. Representatives of the beneficiary group(s) should actively participate at all stages of the project. Leaders of the community should be persuaded to become champions of the intervention effort.
All interventions shall be planned and implemented with the active involvement of the following groups:
a. Community Advisory Team (CAT): This team consists of 9 members – 2 from TGF and 7 from the community. TGF members include CEO of TGF and the Chief Administrator of BMCC. Representatives of the community consist of members of the local governing bodies, and leaders of the community.
The role of CAT is to identify and prioritize the needs of community, recommend courses of action, evaluate costs, identify sources of funds, seek funds, and evaluate the outcome/result of implementation.
b. Project Implementation Team (PIT): This team consists of the BMCC Medical Officer (doctor), Community Development Representatives (social workers of BMCC), a Village Project Leader (VPL) from each of the villages served, and two representatives from each village (one from “scheduled castes” community).
VPLs are recruited from the local community, and trained and paid salaries by BMCC. Hence, they serve as an extension of the BMCC staff.
Separate PITs will be formed for each group of 4 villages. While BMCC members remain the same in all PITs, the remaining members of each PIT will be different.
PITs are responsible for formulating, planning, organizing and implementing all approved interventions/projects. Detailed assessment of expenses related to each project will be estimated by PITs and submitted to CAT for approval.
5.Policy Guidelines for TGF
a. TGF shall participate only in those projects that it considers appropriate. This decision is made on the basis of need assessment, effectiveness, costs, and fairness to the various segments of the community.
b. TGF may make financial, material and or other contributions to any project up to 20% of its estimated total cost, except in education and healthcare projects where a higher contribution may be made. The community must also provide toward at least 20% of the estimated costs in the form of financial contributions, material, and/or labour. The balance of 60% may be obtained from the government (panchayat, and local, state and central governments), private companies and donors.
c. As far as possible, all projects must become financially self-sustaining within a reasonable time. TGF share toward any project must be reduced over time.
d. BMCC must monitor the use of all funds allocated for projects in which TGF participates. In the event of misappropriation of funds by anyone, BMCC must immediately inform the CEO of TGF in writing.
e. BMCC must monitor the use of all funds allocated for projects in which TGF participates. In the event of misappropriation of funds by anyone, BMCC must immediately inform the CEO of TGF in writing.
6.0. Concluding Comments
TGF is committed to improving the lives of each and every member of the community served by us. However, this is possible only with the cooperation and participation of the community. Hence, we must make the effort to involve the community, and communicate the importance and benefits of our intervention.
With a number of successful interventions, both large and small, we will be able to significantly benefit all sections of the community within the next 10 years. As a result, we expect to create model rural communities that offer economic opportunity, provides affordable basic services, and assures social justice to all its members.