VOLUNTEER REPORT - Nicole Marie Sorice' The moment I arrived at Shanti Bhavan I was welcomed by the cooks and the Preschool teacher. The next few days I was openly and curiously greeted by the children, faculty, and staff. The warm greetings and the beautiful campus put me instantly at ease. During my two months stay, I taught art to the preschool, Kindergarten, and grades one through eight. I spent the rest of my time teaching computer programs with an emphasis on Photoshop to grades six, seven, eight, and nine. I had never taught computer programs before coming to Shanti Bhavan. Coming up with lesson plans was challenging at first. Once I got into the groove of the assignments and schedule it became the class I looked forward to most of all. I was very impressed with the children’s creativity and speed towards each assignment. They have proven to be quite knowledgeable and confident using computers. Also to my surprise, not only are the children deeply educated with India’s rich culture, history and politics, they are knowledgeable about other cultures and aware of the daily current events around the world as well. I made the decision to volunteer teach at Shanti Bhavan after hearing Dr. Abraham George speak at NYU. Little did I know that would be a life changing decision. My goal in India was to give to the kids what I have learnt. In return I’ve gained a positive experience I will carry with me the rest of my life. Thank you, for inviting me into your world. Nicole Marie Sorice’ |